Fifth grade and second grade reading buddies! Our fifth and second graders spent some time reading together. These reading buddies will be reading and having fun this semester. Reading buddies is a great activity to promote love for...
Festejos por el Día del Niño El martes, 16 de agosto se celebró el Día del Niño con una representación teatral para nuestros estudiantes de Primaria y con una deliciosa merienda preparada por el PTA. La obra...
Our Newest Addition Students and staff are enjoying our new building, which contains classrooms for Grades 3, 4 and 5, the Welcome Center/Admissions Office, and a Multi-Purpose Room. Photo Gallery
First Day of Class Our new K5 students were welcomed to their first day of class by the 17³Ô¹Ï Gator. It was a great way to end the first day of school. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for this event.
Service Learning Fair 2016 This year we continued our approach to Service Learning in our third Service Learning Fair since 2014. On August 19 our high school students learned about 10 organizations to dedicate their own time to volunteer. Representatives...