




Our mission is to collaborate with students, faculty, and staff to develop critical thinking, information literate researchers, creative storytellers, and communicators. To this end we will promote literacy and provide research skills instruction and an exemplary collection of over 35000 titles.

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Resources & Databases

BrainPOP offers curriculum based animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, and a breadth of additional resources for students at all elementary levels. Its topics span Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Engineering & Tech, Health, and Arts & Music.

“Journal Storage" and is a protected electronic archive of leading journals across many academic disciplines. It provides text-searchable, high-quality . pdf facsimiles of each journal article from a publication's inception up to the past 3-5 years.

With ABC World Culture, information about world history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, and much more is just a click away. With 174 Country Culture Guides covering more than 60 topics each.

ABC Maps Online is the world’s largest collection of royalty-free, downloadable maps for schools. Access more than 60,000 maps for school reports, lesson plans, and personal research projects.

Tumblebooks are e-books and e-audiobooks especially tailored for youth and young teens (grades K-6). These books are always available and often have a read-along option. They can be accessed on a computer, or through the Tumblebooks app on your Apple or Android device.