FRED (Fathers read every day) On April 5th students in K4, K5, and first grade and their dads, uncles, grandpas or older brothers had a fun night of active play and reading in the Cultural and Sports Complex. Mr. Rivera and Mr. Warner coordinated...
Como parte del centenario del nacimiento del celebrado escritor Augusto Roa Bastos, estudiantes de 8° grado iniciaron un ciclo de lecturas de sus principales obras y han visto la obra teatral El trueno entre las hojas. El teatro Arlequín...
On Wednesday, March 15, we welcomed members of the Orchestra H20 and their team of instrument builders to our school for 6 days of workshops, rehearsals, and concerts. Through project-based learning, students in grades 3, 4, 5 have built instruments,...
Olimpiada Kanguro en 17勛圖 Durante la mañana del 16 de marzo de 2017, decenas de estudiantes de Escuela Primaria, Media y Superior participaron de la evaluación interna de la Olimpiada Kanguro, en el Complejo...
Habitat For Humanity High school volunteers went to Arroyos y Esteros last Friday to clean and paint a new house for the community, Virgen del Carmen! Thank you students! Habitat para la Humanidad Voluntarios de secundaria viajaron a Arroyos y Esteros...