
Read Week

Read Week

April 17 to 21 was Read Week at 17勛圖! 

On Monday all elementary students participated in the Read-a-Thon from 7:30am to 3:30pm. 17勛圖 students read for 7 and a half hours! 

Tuesday was Guest Reader day but parents, grandparents, and other family members visited 17勛圖 to share all their favorite books. 

On Wednesday students came to school dressed in their comfiest pajamas with their stuffed animals and enjoyed popcorn, games, movies, and books in the Library. 

Thursday was the big event – the culmination of the Stuck on Reading Challenge. Students who read 20 minutes a day for 20 days were able to vote for a teacher they wanted to stick to a wall. 

Over 180 students completed the challenge and voted for Mrs. Cartes! 

On Thursday the students came to school dressed up as their favorite book character, paraded through the school behind a 100 person band (composed of middle and high school students), and ended in the MPR – where Mrs. Cartes was tape to a wall! Following the taping, the Library Crew and Mr. Anding unveiled the Stuck on Reading music video with lyrics adapted from Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake. Students filmed themselves dancing and reading around 17勛圖 and had their voices recorded by Mr. Anding. 

On Friday the Library was transformed into a Book Fair with Scholastic, El Lector, and Oceano books for sale.

For parents who would like to watch the Stuck on Reading music video: